Wednesday, September 6, 2017


For the opening phase of UMII, we are focusing on analyzing productive activities via research and observation which would eventually culminate into series of photographs and spatial diagrams; specifically crafted to illustrated different aspect of that particular activities. In this case, the network of wood-related activities in the surrounding area of Saket Temple (Golden Mountain) is the main subject of focus.
These series of photographs and diagrams depict several characteristics of the selected activities. For examples; The dominant typologies, Living and working conditions, historical background, network and symbiotic activities, emerging drifts, contextual analysis and so forth.
1. Dominant Typologies
- Basic unit of construction
- Modification and specification of the typology
- Living conditions
2. Working Space
- Machines and different spatial utilization
- Specific Features: Mezzanine deck, Working on pavement
3. Storage & Retail
- Method of storage
- Utilization of in-between space
- Mode of Transportation
4. Past Typologies 
- Past activities
- Comparison with current activities
5. Resources
- Wood resource of Thailand
- Politics and law
6. Supportive Network
- Symbiotic activities
- Specific typological features and modifications
7. Emerging Trends
- Touristic Activities
- Adaptation of typologies

8. Species of Timber
- Local species of timber
- Different characteristic and its use

9. Contextual Analysis
- Eviction and renovation