Sunday, December 3, 2017

Phase 5: Speculative Representation

The insect systems are tested on variation of existing buildings to see how much they can integrate with the living units. Edible insects are not just recently came up to the industry. They are also one part of the ecosystems. Comparing to the livestock, they contain higher protein, require less feed, water and space. Meanwhile, they can be reproduced to a very high number in a very short time. So why shouldn't we war them ? Is it because we have an image of them as disgusting creatures? With the natural process, we cannot really capture their lives, their living conditions and their characteristics. But if we get to see every process of growing them, feeding them and living with them to observed every step of productions, the question is will you feel more comfortable to eat them. 

The systems are tested on variation of existing buildings to see how each context, environment and surroundings constraints the systems. How adaptive the system has to be to fit in to those context whether in a very dense urban area or a place without having any other buildings surrounding. 

Classification1: have wings


Classification2: have no wings

giant scorpion

red ant

Classification3: worm

bamboo caterpilla

The project is invited you all to reflect that every plate is counted. Everyone should consider how each ingredient is produced to become the food that is on your plate, just like the quotes that said, " you are what you eat". 

Perspective views
(suggesting how the living units are transformed)

situation1: the bomb shelter becomes a place for growing mushroom

situation2: the kitchen is plugging in with the insect system

situation3: the original living room is transformed to a kitchen in order to harvest the insects easier