Sunday, December 3, 2017

Phase 5 Speculative Representation

City of Hyper Transparency
Est. 2037

In respond to the contemporary society in 2017 where we immerse ourselves into the world of online community exposing a part of our lives to the public on a daily basis sharing what we value through many platform like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

For the city of Hyper Transparency, it is the criticism reflecting on this matter by encourage everyone to live transparent 24/7 and constantly update their status online to keep their transparent rank up. The government promote the idea of living transparent for the sake of security and indirectly organize the city so that everyone would behave nicely since there is camera recording everywhere.

However, what does it mean to live transparency?  Being transparent is meant to portray the real you without trying to be the perfect people that everyone would appreciate. It is the fact that everyone has flaws and most of the time, we do not want people to notice those flaws. 

Are we really being transparent?

In this broadcasting society, it has the powerful impact on people. As we have seen many news how the social media can be harsh on many celebrity judging them whether they did the right thing or not, it forced them to act and stage themselves, so that people would admire and accept them, and ultimately become their followers. Are we really showing who we are through the lens or just trying to be that flawless somebody?

Nowadays, we were judged as well as judging a lot through people's social identity. We measure their live through the number of likes, shares, and followers. Ultimately, it become bragging culture where everyone want to show off their lives to the public. We are 100% in control on our social account and how we want to be perceived by other people. Doesn't it mean that the social identity are all set up?  

In the city of Hyper Transparency, the paradigm has shift from priorities privacy to security through the medium of transparency. Although the citizen would gain more security living in peace in the seemingly happy and pleasant neighborhood, what's about their mentality with the fact that they pretending and staging their live most of the time?