Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Micro Sustainable Singapore

Singpore - 2037 Sustainable Plan 

What would the sustainable plan of Singapore be like in 20 years from now? 
I hypothesis the future of Singapore that the government will not follow their Macro sustainability plan anymore to find an alternative way they can achieve their sustainability target. There is a conception that if things are more domestic and personal to us, we would put more attention and care towards it. So instead of having big infrastructure to help with the sustainable plan, everything or most of the things will be local ( located in the home.) With the current dictate power that the government possesses now, there is no surprise if they are able to enforce this rule on every HDB building program.


The concept of living sustainable with less of the government interference is like putting a " off the grid living" into an urban context, in which the surrounding infrastructure is still own by the government, but our lives is not as dependent on those infrastructure.
I suspeculate that if living "off the grid" is a life style that strive toward the ultimate freedom from the government, would then a micro sustainable plan that requires less dependent on the government allows Singaporean homes to experience more freedom, gradually as they get more independent of the system? ... 

The micro sustainable in the home allows each housing unit to produce the essential needs of their everyday life such as electricity and water.
Electricity - There are many ways to produce electricity, the number one way is using solar panel. If the technology keeps on developing in our current rate or faster , solar panels would be more accessible by the public and it would have better capacity generating electricity. Another alternative way to produce electricity is by converting heat into electricity. This can be achieve with the process of incinerating waste. In other words, heat from burning un-recycable trash can get transform into usable electricity.
Water - Water can be more tricky to manage. One of the ways is to collect and recycle rain water. However, in order to further save water, each house must be installed with grey water recycling system. This will allow toilet water to be utilized again for flushing the toilet or watering the plants.

Waste- Singapore plan is to reduce their waste and reduce the footprint it leaves on the land. Recycle is still the main solution for the problem. While leftover food can be converted into more valuable thing through compost.

****In this project I tried making EM compost from the leftovers that I had, to better understand its process. ***