Friday, December 1, 2017

Dafen Oil Painting Village

Dafen Oil Painting Village

            Dafen Village is one of the world leader in producing oil paintings located in the suburb of Shenzhen in China. It’s number one oil painting village in China that famous for producing replicas paintings. In the past, Dafen village used to be a fisher man village where it doesn’t have their own cultural. Then 30 years ago, 20 workers under the leadership of the one painter who is also a businessman took up residence in this town and start the painting business here. These workers are specialized in painting work copied from the master like Van Gogh, Dali, da Vinci and Monet. Today, this painting village is a small village inside residential and commercial areas where people can walk around and check out as many paintings, tools and artefacts as they want. Their main customers are mostly westerner or the hotel. People from western love classical painting so much as well as the hotel that would order hundreds of painting to put inside their rooms. Artwork are sell overseas every year but after the fragile economy and China’s slowing growth are now forcing painters to adapt their work to something more challenging. To adapt to the change, the artists focused their attention on the domestic market, and now about half of sales are made in China.






Design concept

            The design is a creation of a 4 spaces typologies for 4 different purpose in different area in Dafen Village. As we can see that the building in this village is mostly low rise townhouse which have small alley at its side and connected to each main alley. Most of the working area is usually inside the building and along the alley where the design could use the space above the existing working space on each alley to construct space for preserving skill and not interrupt the existing working space. The 5 main actors or people who involve with these project are professional painter, beginner painter, workers, tourist, and non-tourist. Moreover, the purpose of these typology is to create a space where one individual can transfer the skills to another individual by an act of learning like observing, capturing, listening, writing and copying.

4 typologies

Typology #1 (Working Studio)
Typology #2 (Inside Alley)
Typology #3 (Open ground space)
Typology #4 (Representation of Paintings)