Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Eduacation in Singapore

Education in Singapore

In Singapore, education is the world top 5 with the gorverment support the tuition fee for the Singaporean citizen but if you are not the fee will double or even more. Singapore have 6 levels of education Pre-School/Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary School 6years, Secondary School 5years, Junior College/Pre-University and University. The major students can choose when they are in secondary or they can later choose in Junior College. With the land in Singapore are expensive so, it come to the fee of studying if it goverment aid school so, the gorverment will support the fee but for the private the fee will be calculate montly up to S$1000. Nursery and Kindergaten be able to fit in the residence due to the amount of kids but for the rest they have to be independence because of the amout of student and activities that they need to do.